Future Shop: Playstation 3 Console with Metal Gear Solid game for only $219.99 ($30 + Free Game)

Future Shop has a pretty good deal on the Sony Playstation 3 (PS3). They have discounted the 160GB gaming console by $30 ($249.99 retail) and will throw in a free Metal Gear Solid 4 game! You won’t find the PS3 cheaper anywhere else (never seen before pricing). The sale ends September 29, 2011.

It’s more than just a gaming console, the PlayStation 3 is a media powerhouse. It gives you the power to enjoy the hottest games, the latest Blu-ray movies, and the best high-definition viewing experience possible. And with a 160GB hard drive built-in, you’ve got the space to store movies, games, music and so much more.

Click here for more information about this sale on Future Shop’s website or to buy now.

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